Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Life: By Makaya

Life can be hard sometimes.! Not everyone is perfect ya know.So don't tease them because of their looks!. There's a old saying, Dont judge a book by it's cover!. Like they may be pretty on the outside but selfish and rude on the inside. Now back to my point in life. Of course people have their flaws in life!. BUT,  remeber you control your life! So set your life on the path of god!, Don't set it on the wrong path. 

*Special note* (BELIVE IN GOD & JESUS)

Monday, April 23, 2012

Websites By: Makaya

Be careful what certain websites you go on!. Some can have viruses and have bad looking things. So be very careful what u go on!.You might get in trouble if you start playing it. Because your parents can see it plus if a certain website. And you think it looks nasty or harmful to the computer ask your parents!. So right now i say! be careful what you go on! it can make your computer sick!.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Be who you wanna be By: Makaya

Everyone has a dream! so follow it!. My parent's tell me be who i wanna be and that's just what i am going to do!. You can be a dentist,singer,writer, or anything you want to be!. You just have to believe in yourself!. So try your best to make your dream talent come true!!!!!. Try being who you want!! believe me dreams do come true!. So believe and try your best!. Follow your heart!.

Parent's By: Makaya

Your parents care for you very much!. Some times they may hurt your feelings. But love your parents anyway!. Plus you need to obey your parents!. Or else you will get in trouble! big trouble!. Also you need to be open to your parents and tell them things!. Don't be afraid to tell your parents something important! be open!. Most off all love your parents no matter what! I repeat no matter what!.

Happiness By Makaya

Be Happy don't have the blues every day!. Be Happy! Don't let people make you have the blues!. So what i say is be happy forever! Don't be low or down when your child or children's feelings get hurt!.Tell them not to cry because daddy/mommy will take care of you. So Be Happy 4 ever!.

Donate By: Makaya

Go ahead and donate! if your a parent and have kids or a child if there are some toys your child does not want donate them!.There are some kids that don't have at least one toy donate to let them be happy.And most of all to make them feel like there loved!.Donate to a chairty just do it for those kids out there get up and do something special for them. For they will be happy donate money to hospitals to children will get better and need to have the things they need for them to survive!. That's why i say get up! and donate!.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Recycle By: Makaya

Keep our Earth clean!!!!!!!. get up and recycle!! clean our beaches!. Make sure you put the correct things in your bins!. Paper,Plastic, and Metal!!!!. Most of all make sure you leave your bins on the sidewalk. So the trash people can come and pick it up keep our planet clean!!!!. So recycle!!!!!!. Have fun cleaning our Earth!.